History image

The Loxodon and the Tortles have long been friends and allies, helping to protect those they can from the more vicious races on Kelar.

The Lapines and Ikwiikwii have long been friends, though have never sought a battle or been in any thing more than a skirimsh to protect their land.

The Tabaxi and Apelings have in recent years become friends, and enjoy training and playing with each other, though they relationship could also be described as rivals. They will protect each other while out in the forests or are nearby, but have never called for the assistance of the other race during a battle to defend their homes.

All other races are without allies, though have temporarily made deals that would benefit the both of them.

The War.

3 months ago, the loxodon, tortles, and tabaxi were all attacked at the same time.
The Loxodon on both sides, An army of Lizardmen on one side and an army made up of Gnolls on the other. Normally both would have been crushed but with this organised attack on two fronts the Loxodon did not have enough men to defend on both sides and had to retreat from the outlying keeps.
At the same time the Tortles were attacked by Charcharions and Chitine, never before have the Charcharions attempted an attack on the Gateway to Aporthitos island, They were fortunately repelled, but at the cost of many lives. This attack also prevented the Tortles from sending aid to the Loxodons.
While these battles raged, the Tabaxi found themselves attacked by a force of Pantathian Serpents accompanied by a small contigent of Chitine, the Tabaxi were forced to flee and the ground tore open around them.
Never before had these races come together to fight, most to arrogant to work with others or two stupid to strategise.

A few weeks later, battles continued between these races, though the attackers (who were dubbed the Pact) had made little headway after the first assault as the other races had managed to recover from this surprise attack and had mounted a defense.
Due to this slow movement, the Pact decided to launch attacks on the Ratfolk and had made their way through the mountains to launch attacks on the Apelings. They quickly made progress and had now gained important strategic territory.
The races who were under attack came together to discuss what could be done, how the races of the pact had set aside their differences to launch such an attack, and formed their own alliance to put an end to this assault once and for all.
Together they have been able to win some battles, territory has changed hands multiple times but no side seems to have the advantage.
The war threatens to continue for potentially years if this stale mate continues, and no progress has been made on discovering how this happened in the first place..

3 months into the war, the Formians came across a strange artifact in their digs, after some deliberation with their queens it was decided to sell the item to the Loxodons, who then moved it to Aportithos island for safe keeping. After a great deal of study the alliances wizards had figured out what this artifact was, and how to activate it.
It was a portal, a team of expendables was assembled to go through the portal and find out what was on the otherside. Then to bring back anything that could turn the tide of war in the alliances favour.
This is where our adventure begins.