Lapine image

The Lapine live in the hills and plains of Kikoto.
They are very social and will usually live in large communities, seeking the protection that numbers can bring. Though can be rather nervous when meeting a new person.
Their homes are underhills and generally in the ground though they do have some defenses on the ground and watch towers in trees, they value a good defense.
They are big on law, order and unity as a whole, though there are those odd carrots in the bunch that are more individual or want to do things their own way, these lapine will usually move to the mainland and find their own way in the world.
The Lapines also find Charcharions are an occasional pest, though not nearly as much as the Ikwiikwii do, however for them the Aarakocra are far worse, as they do not have the trees for protection like their short friends do.

Lapine Names
Lapine names tend to reflect the natural world and are often unpronounceable by other races. For this reason, Lapine's usually give their names in Common when dealing with outsiders.
Male: Blackavar, Buckthorn, Campion, Celandine, Charlock, Chervil, Hawkbit, Hlao-roo, Hrairoo, Laburnum, Nightshade, Orchis, Sainfoin, Scabious, Speedwell, Thlayli, Threar, Vervain
Female: Anflellen, Betony, Clover, Flyairth, Hyzenthlay, Nelthilta, Nildro-hain, Nyreem, Thethuthinnang, Thrayonlosa, Vilthuril, Violet

Lapine Traits
Sleek, fast, and alert, lapine traits reflect their leporine ancestry.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Lapines reach maturity at about age 15 and live around 65 years.
Alignment. Lapines may be any alignment, but tend to gravitate toward lawful and neutral alignments. Lapines are rarely chaotic.
Size. Adult lapines stand between 4-5 feet tall and weigh between 60-120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life in the warren. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. All lapines have proficiency in the Perception skill. In addition, you have advantage on all Perception checks that involve hearing.
Language of the Hedgerow. Through a combination of body language, gestures, and sounds you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller creatures native to forests, woods, meadows, grasslands, deserts, wetlands, and any other habitats to which rabbits and hares are native.
Graceful Athlete. You can use your Dexterity score in place of your Strength score for all Athletics checks.
Powerful Jumper. Lapines have extremely powerful leg muscles. You can use your Dexterity score in place of your Strength score in regards to jumping.
Claws. If your feet are unshod, you can use your claws to deliver an extra 1d4 slashing damage on a kick.
Obligate Vegetarian. Lapines cannot eat meat. If you do so you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until you take a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and Sylvan