Ratfolk image

The Ratfolks live by four rules, steal from those who have more than they need, never steal from a friend, always travel with an accomplice and it is better to flee to live another day than risk dying.
As such their villages are basically easily movable camps, however their cities are instead made of stone and metal and have many secret passages to allow easy escape should it be required, they are mostly located in the Scappa Marshes, though also settle along the edge of the Siorai Plains.
Their people have very few fighters, instead most are bards, theives, illusionist and the like.
The Ratfolk are regularly bothered by the Gnolls and rely on ambushes and cunning to defend themselves.
The ruler changes every 3 years, and is always whoever can prove they are the greatest thief and survivalist in the community.
They enjoy travelling to gain contacts and valuable items that they can use to help their continued survival.

Ratfolk names
Ratfolk names typically are more simple than most races, just consisting of rat-like noises or sounds. They take on a last name based on the group that they are currently aligned with, which may be a party of adventurers, band of thieves, or even just a town they live in.
Male: Twitch, Tiq, Zez, Skat, Rirzet
Female: Vech, Frukehm, Jumu, Kuni, Tetich
Group: York, Alexandria, Wound, Sight, Scars

Ratfolk Traits 
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Ratfolk mature at a much faster pace than humans, but die earlier. They are considered mature at age 9, and can live to be 60 years old.
Alignment. Ratfolk typically don't take sides in conflicts, preferring to be merchants for both. They are typically Neutral.
Size. Ratfolk are between 3-4 feet tall, and weigh up to 80 lbs. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You can drop to all fours to increase your movement speed to 35 ft., but it takes half of your movement to stand back up.
Bite. You have large fangs, which are natural weapons you are proficient with. They deal 1d4 piercing damage, and have the finesse property.
Fleeing Bite. If you take the Disengage action on your turn, you can make a Bite attack as a bonus action.
Darkvision. You have 60 ft. of Darkvision.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on smell.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Undercommon, and a language of your choice.

Ratfolk Subraces 

Packlings are a variety of ratfolk that excel in killing creatures by fighting together, relying on help from others compared to helping themselves.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Pack Tactics. You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. of the creature, and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Direlings are ratfolk that are similar to dire beasts, with bone-like spikes all along their flesh, and being a bit bigger than most other ratfolk.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Powerful Build. For the sake of carrying capacity, you count as one size larger.
Rough Jaw. After landing a successful bite attack on a creature, you may use your bonus action to make a shove attack on it.

Ratfolk Quirks 
1I involuntarily squeak when I am startled.
2I constantly dream of bathing in riches.
3I'm better at cutting a throat than cutting a deal.
4When I'm lying, my tail swishes in anticipation for their reaction to my ruse.
5I enjoy telling people's secrets.
6I gnaw on things when I'm nervous.
7I constantly reach into my pocket when anyone is near me, expecting someone to pickpocket me.
8I constantly survey my surroundings, calculating possible escape routes and plans.