Apeling image

These headstrong and upbeat people, live in small tribes among the trees of the Wukong Jungle. They are boastful and can be viewed as rude but upbeat by many other races. They love to play and train but dislike mundane tasks. Apelings are always looking for a challenge and see themselves as equals with all other races, they cannot stand by and watch the strong pick on the weak. They enjoy a friendly rivalry with the Tabaxi, who are equally fit for playing in the trees and on land. Apelings are almost always hungry as their energetic lifestyles require a lot of sustenance to maintain. The Apelings worship a monkey god who is extremely prideful and cheeky and they strive to be like him.

Apeling Names.
Male: Lang, Xin, and Qiang, etc.
Female: Ming, Mei, and Lin, etc.

Apeling Traits
A race of nimble and strong monkey-like people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score by 1.
Age. Apelings mature faster than humans, reaching adulthood by the age of 12, and commonly live to be around 100 years old.
Alignment. Apelings' love for adventure and energetic personalities often cause them to be more chaotic.
Size. Apelings are taller but weigh about as much as most humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Adapt Climbers. Your natural agility allows you to climb at full speed, rather than half. You can also climb across ceilings, but must succeed on either a DC 12 Athletics or Acrobatics check; failing causes you to lose your grip and fall.
Empty Stomach. You burn through your energy faster than most humanoids and must eat twice as much as a normal human requires each day.
Heavy Slumber. During a long rest, anyone trying to wake you up must make a DC 10 Charisma ability check. Taking damage will wake you up as will being thrown into or splashed with water.
Limit Break. Apelings are always striving to push themselves. As a reaction, when you fail Strength, Dexterity or Constitution ability check or saving throw, you can remake the check and take the new result. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
Skills of the Primate. You are proficient in the Acrobatics skills.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and one other language of your choice.