Charcharion image

The Charcharions live in coral cities throughout the (add name) sea, though have many raiding outposts all around the waters surrounding the mainland.
Despite living in cities the Charcharions are solitary creatures spending most of their time exploring the oceans on their own, and never form relationships. They only group up outside of home for the purposes of raiding and mating.
They view any who enter their domain as having offered themselves up as food, and are rather put out when the food then fights back, their favourite meal is a tasty Tortle.
While they do not often war with other races as they cannot live for extended periods on land, they are pests to all who live along the waters edge, and a serious threat to any who wish to venture into the ocean. It is largely due to the Charcharions that the races of Valenta know nothing of what lay beyond the great ocean.