The Sunless Citadel

Our party stepped through the portal on promise of riches, upon reaching the otherside found themselves in a strange foriegn land.
In the distance they spotted a town and set out for it.

This town was called Oakhurst, it was filled with all manner of strange looking creatures, oddly many spoke the common tongue.
The party split up, half to the tavern to listen to rumours, the other half questioned those around town.
Eventually the party discovered that this town had been under attack in the night by an unseen assailant, that creatures called goblins had been selling the townsfolk magic fruit and that a group of adventurers (one of whom weilded a magic sword) had ventured into a place known as the Sunless Citadel.
The party were promised a reward in exchange for finding this group of adventurers as none had heard from them since they left, and they surely should have returned already.
In the tavern they met a short fellow in heavy armour drinking alone, they befriended this fellow and when he passed out was buried in a hole in the ground by Girak.
After some chatting this short fellow called Thaagren decided to join the party on their adventure.

The trip to the Citadel was with out incident and so they ventured down, running into a few giant rats along the way, sadly these rats seemed unable or unwilling to talk to their better dressed brethen.

..... *Under Construction*