Chitine image

These monstrosities live in the Erimos Swamp and along the tip of the Wukong Jungle, they are a near mindless predatory species of feed on all who venture near. They live in caverns and cave networks throughout the jungle though their webs are found through the trees too. These webs get thicker and thicker as you get closer to a cavern entrance.
It is rumoured they pray to some unknown deity and that those who run their society are not even of the same species. They are a threat to all whole live close by. Though thankfully usually only attacking in groups of up to 10 at a time, they have been known to launch offensives on their neighbours with waves numbering in the thousands. In the past when this has happened one of two things has occurred, cities have fallen and become new hunting outposts for the chitine to launch their raids from, or the Chitine have all but disappeared for at least a decade.